Explore Real Rates

Assisted Living Base Rate

$155 - $211 per day
Base Rate varies depending on apartment type


Assisted Living Level of Care (LOC) Rate

$21 - $67 per day
Rate varies depending on care level required

Memory Care Base Rate

$178 - $233 per day
Rate varies depending on apartment type and care required


Memory Care Level of Care (LOC) Rate

$10 - $15 per day
Rate varies depending on care level required

Financial Options for Long-Term Care

There are many factors to consider while planning for your loved one’s care, and navigating financial resources is among the most challenging. Below are some common options to bring up with your financial professional when budgeting for the cost of Assisted Living and Memory Care.

Our admissions team is always happy to share additional resources and information about planning for your loved one’s care. Please reach out via the form below with any questions.

  • This type of insurance provides varying levels of coverage to handle the cost of care that is typically not covered by other forms of insurance, such as Memory Care and Assisted Living. Long-term care insurance is an anticipatory protection and will not apply to preexisting conditions.

  • Veterans who served during wartime may be eligible for this benefit. It pays up to $2,000 per month as supplemental income that may be used to offset the cost of Assisted Living, Memory Care or other expenses as defined under the Aid & Attendance portion of VA Pension benefits.

    Additionally, please inquire with our admissions team about special rates for veterans and surviving spouses.

  • Some forms of life insurance can be used to fund the costs of Assisted Living, Memory Care and other care services. Contact your insurance provider for more information.

  • Family members can offset the cost of a loved one’s care by taking advantage of the IRS Gift Tax Exemption. This allows an individual family member to gift up to $13,000 per person, per year without paying gift tax.

  • Residents and their families may be eligible to deduct some or all of their long-term care services, including Assisted Living and Memory Care as unreimbursed medical expenses on their federal tax return.

Have Questions About Pricing?

Our rates are all-inclusive and include access to all of Dunlop House’s amenities, including three chef-prepared meals per day. Our admissions team is happy to answer any questions. Please reach out via the form below or call us at (804) 520-0050.